[RG]Vivisector Beast Within (2005 MULTi2 Lossless RePack by RG Origami)


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25 Tháng mười 2010

Vivisector: Beast Within (2005/MULTi2/Lossless RePack by RG Origami)
Year: 2005 | PC | Eng Rus | Developer: Action Forms | Publisher: Brigades | 1.3 GB
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person​
"Vivisector: Beast Inside" - a powerful blend of chilling horror and 3D-hurricane action'a subordinated to strict laws of the rapidly evolving story. The game world is an isolated island in the ocean, divided into many interrelated levels. Your path will pass through tropical jungles, dense forests and snow-capped mountains. Forced his way through enormous experimental units, you will feel in their own skin, which can make a man a genius, sent in a false direction. You will encounter the miracle survivors of soldiers who were thrown to his death here. Surrounded by man-made beast-men, they shot indiscriminately in the direction of any movement or rustle. Only among them you will feel what it means to be a real man among these wild creatures - the likes of failed people.

"High-speed destruction. Killing a certain number of monsters for a minimum period of time. The experience is given for each dead enemy.
"Multiubiystvo. Simultaneous destruction of a certain number of monsters. Points are awarded for each enemy killed. This is easiest to do with weapons, inflicting damage on a certain radius.
"Fatality. Application of fatal injuries after the death of an enemy. For each cartridge, caught in a vulnerable place of the enemy after his murder, the player gains experience.
"Vivisection. Dismembered corpse monster with knives.
"Curiosity. Progress toward the goal roundabout, not direct ways. One of the most readily available bonuses. Given while in the map of interesting places, buildings and other facilities.
"Finding the hidden locations. Are rare, but they are a player can find a really useful stuff, and get plenty of experience.
"Accuracy. If the accuracy of hitting the enemies will be 50% or higher, the player will receive experience points in an amount directly proportional to the percentage of hits.
"Persistence. Killing several monsters without damage.
"Artistry. Execution of tricks is particularly complex or unusual way. If a player can in some unusual way to overcome an obstacle or to get ammunition, weapons, hear the thunder of applause, shouts of "bravo" and the icon will appear: theatrical mask. Depending on the complexity of the action performed are assigned points.

Features RePack versions
Do not cut / no recoded
It is based on - license from 1C
Game Version - 1.1
Installation time ~ 10 minutes
Released by RG Origami

System Requirements
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / Se7eN
Processor: Intel Pentium ? IV 1,8 GHz or equivalent AMD Athlon
Memory: 512 MB
Graphics card: GeForce FX class or ATI Radeon 9600 with 256 MB, compatible with DirectX ? 9.0c
Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ? 9.0
Free space on your hard disk: 3Gb


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