[RG]Dungeon Keeper 2 (1999 MULTi2 Repack by Sash HD)


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25 Tháng mười 2010

Dungeon Keeper 2 (1999/MULTi2/Repack by Sash HD)
Year: 1999 | PC | Eng Rus | Developer: Bullfrog Productions | Publisher: Electronic Arts / 7Wolf / Uncle Risech | 533 Mb
Genre: Strategy (Real-time) / 3D​
It's really very nice - to be bad, so to speak, "pretend" when someone muck can be done, but for this there will be nothing. That is why a series of DK and enjoys the crazy popularity: the maximum that you could face for crimes against humanity and "monstryachnosti" committed in the game, it's a reboot.
In Dungeon Keeper 2, you are entrusted the role of a powerful sorcerer, who is clearly suffering from delusions of grandeur. Instead of quietly sitting in his basement and torturing his players, the Wizard tends to win more and more land. How he succeeds in his endeavor, depends on you, because it - it's you!
The game is divided into missions. Each mission has a specific task: as a rule, you must find and destroy one or another Warlock, as well as perform some secondary quests.
The game dominates the scene look at the "top-side", although the camera can be moved almost at will. There is also a game mode "first person": abode in one of your monsters, you get the opportunity to participate in the battles and observe the life of your Dungeon, so to speak, from the inside.

Features Repack'a
At the heart GoG.com License
Do not cut / no recoded
Game Version - 1.7
Installation time - 2 min. Author - Sash HD

System requirements:
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 95 (tested on Win7/64)
Processor: Pentium 200
Video: 8 MB
Memory: 32 MB RAM

Download from rapidgator.net

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