[RG]Codename Panzers - Anthology (2004-2009 MULTi2 RePack by _007_)


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25 Tháng mười 2010

Codename Panzers - Anthology (2004-2009/MULTi2/RePack by _007_)
Year: 2004-2009 | PC | Eng Rus | Developer: Stormregion | Publisher: 1C | 5.87 Gb
Genre: RTS​
Codename Panzers - Phase 1: istorically accurate strategy games on the Second World War - not necessarily hexagonal vorgeymy step, and Codename: Panzers with success proves it. Game - a fully three-dimensional tactical real time strategy game, it does not have anything to do with the RTS-clones. Hungarian company Stormregion, has received acclaim for his debut project SWINE, has created an amazing detail and elaborate on the simulation of battles - from small skirmishes on the narrow city streets or in the mountains, to the major tank battles on the plains and marshes. The game covers nearly the entire course of the war, except for the battles in Africa.
The campaign for Germany begins with the invasion of Poland, and the last mission over the Soviet Union would be the battle for Berlin. In Codename: Panzers presents all aspects of the military tactics of those years. Even a couple of dozen Marines may neutralize tanks, if they have a grenade, and the player has the proper skill. Battles in open space will require you to completely different approach than fighting in the city or in the woods. All weapons and equipment of the belligerents is displayed in the game with astonishing thoroughness and accuracy, so you have to build their tactics, considering not only the number of troops available for you and the enemy, but also their weapons and equipment. It's safe to say - history buffs and lovers of quality strategies Codename: Panzers will not let boredom!

Extras. information
* Thirty-three missions in exciting campaigns - for the Soviet Union, Germany and the Allies.
* More than fifty historically accurate combat units including tanks, guns, trucks, jeeps, motorcycles and the legendary "Katyusha".
* In addition to the arsenal of infantry flame throwers, bazookas and mines also have field telephones, binoculars and even inflatable boats.
* Detailed simulated damaged units, starting with the failure of individual nodes and ending with complete annihilation.
* Support for bombers, reconnaissance, Jäger troops and naval artillery. Four modes of multiplayer games.

Codename Panzers - Phase 2:
Codename: Panzers Phase Two - real time strategy game that takes place during World War II. Like the first game of the series, it consists of three campaigns, each of which covers events from different points of view on behalf of the representatives of the Axis countries - Italy and Germany, the Allies - Britain and America and Yugoslav partisans. In each chapter you will meet both with familiar and new characters fighting.

Extras. information
* 3 campaigns, including the Yugoslav
* New characters and new member state - Italy
* New combat areas: Africa, Italy, Yugoslavia
* New strategic opportunities in night missions
* Hundreds of new buildings and facilities
* More than 20 new types of troops
* Hundreds of the basic, additional and dozens of secret assignments
* Different ways of going through each mission
* New co-op mode in multiplayer
* Complete freedom to modify the game in the attached editor

Codename Panzers - Cold War:
World War II ended. It starts with the Cold War.
April 1949. Just a few years ago ended in a terrible World War II, but a new conflict is brewing, this time - between the former allies. The Soviet bloc, he felt his increased military strength, makes claims to world domination. However, an alliance of Western European states did not intend to concede. The atmosphere was tense to the limit. One little spark and an explosion will break - two strongest armies converge in a merciless fight.
April 8 in the morning sky over Berlin was an accident ... The same day, the land around the capital of Germany shook from artillery fire tank shells.

Extras. information
* A fascinating strategy of offering an alternative view of developments after World War II.
* Intelligent virtual opponents and "living" world, with constant independent of the player event.
* Change of day and night, as well as changing weather conditions greatly affect battle tactics.
* Eighteen single player missions, three modes for multiplayer games with up to eight players.
* Unique system of command and control, more than eight units, which can be upgraded.
* The ability to free the camera settings, and support dual monitor configurations.

System requirements:
> Operating system: Windows Vista ? / XP SP2
> Processor: Intel Core2 Duo processor with a clock frequency of 1.8 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 +4400 or better
> Memory: 1 GB (XP) / 2GB (Vista) of RAM
> Video: ATI Radeon X800 or NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or better
> Free space on hard drive 4 GB free hard disk space

Features RePack
? Cut:
1) Update Launcher in the Codename Panzers - Phase 2 as patches will likely be no more.
2) All languages ​​other than Russian in the Codename Panzers - Cold War.
1) Do not recoded.
2) Game patched with the latest patches, including the patch for 64 bit axes in the Codename Panzers - Phase 1.
? Author RePack'ov comrade. _007_

Download from rapidgator.net

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